Problem solving and storytelling need separate treatment
The logical basis for the thinking that underpins a problem solving process and a storyline structuring process may both be deductive. However, problem solving and storytelling are different activities conducted for different purposes.
When solving problems you are seeking an answer and when telling a story you are seeking engagement from an audience.
The key to choosing the storyline form is to understand what your audience needs from you while also considering what you need to provide to them. There are three ways to think about this, based upon your audience's needs:
- If they need to hear both why your recommendation is the right one as well as how to implement it then you will use a deductive argument structure either at the top line level of your story or perhaps one level below.
- If they are interested in your recommendation and a discussion about why this is so, then go with a ‘why story' as a grouping.
- If they only want to hear about how they should implement your recommendation, go with a ‘how story' as a grouping.
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